Not so much. Tools can help convert it, but why be stuck having to take those extra steps? Like this search for photos of the fun board game Shadows Over Camelot :. Well ugh. Not so good. So what to do? There are two solutions: First off, open the image in its own tab to get it as large as possible then just take a screen capture. Pro Tip: I have a ton of useful Mac help and general computer help here on the site.
Using Firefox, this was happening. Example: Firefox sees image. It is this action we want to end as no one should have to deleted the webp extension as it should recognize, and save the file properly. So no renaming, no converting no nothing except for Firefox to save with the correct extension instead of changing it, as most websites do not support webp if you were to try to upload one. Get it now? I would attach an example but guess what? Mozilla does not support the webp file type either!!!!!
Hi Gelio, welcome to this thread. I'm not sure the earlier posters would agree that they don't understand their own situations when trying to save images. But we can discuss the problems you are encountering.
Firefox wouldn't normally add a. Can you share a link? Here's an example yesterday where someone opened an image that has. This creates a problem in Firefox because you can't extract and save the JPEG from the container; Chrome has that ability. Thanks again for advice. I was trying to come up with a solution that preferably didn't involve too many steps.
I discovered that there are sites that will process and convert files with the webp appended to the file name, converting it to a desired format such as gif to mpeg4 or webp to jpeg. I found a couple of these converter sites so far, though I noticed one of them has a limit on the number of conversions you can do for free within a day before you have to sign up for a paid membership with a monthly or annual fee.
Anyway, these seem to be pretty easy processes to use, based on my experience so far. I also have the option of using the Grab software that came with my Mac to do a kind of screensave that I can control the cropping on. This saves as a tiff, then I use Photoshop to convert the tiff to a jpeg or whatever format I choose. At the moment, I think there's only one website I frequent that has been displaying files with a webp format in the name and only started this recently.
So it's not a common problem with all sites I visit that have images or video clips. However, I've noticed there are sites like twitter and instagram, I think, that control images to prevent visitors from dragging the images to your desktop or doing a right click to save, etc.
I understand the importance of protecting people's images. But of course software like Grab can still save these images and convert them easily enough. I don't think you're understanding the issue. The only site I've been on that displays images that download with a webp file name is programmed to add that appended webp.
It's not Firefox that's to blame. I have not experienced Firebox's browser adding a webp to a file name on any other sites, so it seems to be something unique to a single site I was referring to. I just wondered originally if Firefox had an easy add-on that would automatically convert the webp files to jpeg, gif or mpeg, for example, so my computer would read them normally.
My computer and software programs I use don't recognize a webp file name. If there are any you feel confident enough to recommend by name, that probably would be helpful to other users who find this thread.
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